Business & Operation

Our Company is mainly operating under the Investments in Shares and Securities.
The company is mainly into investing in, acquiring and holding shares, stocks, debentures, Debenture stocks, bonds, warrants, obligations or other securities issued or guaranteed by any Company constituted or carrying on business in India and by any Government, state, public body-or authority.

Investment in securities
Investment in Securities can be related to high returns and low expenses with the process of liberalization and deregulation in the country. The policies of the government have made this area as an attributive option for financial service companies.

Loans and Advances
Our Company does the business of financing and advancing short term and long term loans, credits, to individuals or associations of person by a whatever name called either on securities such as land,  buildings or part thereof, machinery, plants, shares, debentures, government securities, stock certificates, life insurance policies, units, stock-in-trade or on guarantee on such terms as may seem expedient and to release or discharge any debt or obligation owing to the company.